Results for 'Max V. Birk'

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  1.  20
    Remote Assessment of Depression Using Digital Biomarkers From Cognitive Tasks.Regan L. Mandryk, Max V. Birk, Sarah Vedress, Katelyn Wiley, Elizabeth Reid, Phaedra Berger & Julian Frommel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We describe the design and evaluation of a sub-clinical digital assessment tool that integrates digital biomarkers of depression. Based on three standard cognitive tasks on which people with depression have been known to perform differently than a control group, we iteratively designed a digital assessment tool that could be deployed outside of laboratory contexts, in uncontrolled home environments on computer systems with widely varying system characteristics. We conducted two online studies, in which participants used the assessment tool in their own (...)
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    The Life and Work of Max Leopold Margolis.Max Leopold Margolis, Richard Gottheil, A. V. Williams Jackson & Ludlow S. Bull - 1932 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 52 (2):106.
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  3. Erkenntnis und Arbeit.Max Scheler & V. Klostermann - 1978 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 40 (3):522-524.
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    The Expendables: Natural selection driving reduced gene function (Comment on DOI 10.1002/bies.201500083).Max R. Bernstein & Matthew V. Rockman - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (11):1153-1153.
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    Understanding the World. An Introduction to Philosophy. [REVIEW]V. C. A., Max Schoen, H. G. Schrickel & Van Meter Ames - 1947 - Journal of Philosophy 44 (20):556.
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    Semantics and Abstract Objects.W. V. Quine & Max Black - 1952 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):136-137.
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    Hypsikles: Die Aufgangszeiten der Gestirne.G. J. Toomer, V. De Falco & Max Krause - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (2):298.
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  8. High court case: Williams v the commonwealth.Max Wallace - 2012 - The Australian Humanist 107 (107):5.
    Wallace, Max On 20 June 2012 the High Court of Australia handed down their decision in Willliams v The Commonwealth. The case concerned the question of whether it was unconstitutional for the federal government to fund religious chaplains in public schools. The argument against the funding was on technical, financial grounds. The government had avoided making a law in the parliament to fund the chaplains. That way, they were able to avoid a legal complaint that the funding breached Australia's s.116, (...)
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    Analysis of expressed sequence tag loci on wheat chromosome group 4. Miftahudin, K. Ross, X. -F. Ma, A. A. Mahmoud, J. Layton, M. A. Rodriguez Milla, T. Chikmawati, J. Ramalingam, O. Feril, M. S. Pathan, G. Surlan Momirovic, S. Kim, K. Chema, P. Fang, L. Haule, H. Struxness, J. Birkes, C. Yaghoubian, R. Skinner, J. McAllister, V. Nguyen, L. L. Qi, B. Echalier, B. S. Gill, A. M. Linkiewicz, J. Dubcovsky, E. D. Akhunov, J. Dvořák, M. Dilbirligi, K. S. Gill, J. H. Peng, N. L. V. Lapitan, C. E. Bermudez-Kandianis, M. E. Sorrells, K. G. Hossain, V. Kalavacharla, S. F. Kianian, G. R. Lazo, S. Chao, O. D. Anderson, J. Gonzalez-Hernandez, E. J. Conley, J. A. Anderson, D. -W. Choi, R. D. Fenton, T. J. Close, P. E. McGuire, C. O. Qualset, H. T. Nguyen & J. P. Gustafson - unknown
    A total of 1918 loci, detected by the hybridization of 938 expressed sequence tag unigenes from 26 Triticeae cDNA libraries, were mapped to wheat homoeologous group 4 chromosomes using a set of deletion, ditelosomic, and nulli-tetrasomic lines. The 1918 EST loci were not distributed uniformly among the three group 4 chromosomes; 41, 28, and 31% mapped to chromosomes 4A, 4B, and 4D, respectively. This pattern is in contrast to the cumulative results of EST mapping in all homoeologous groups, as reported (...)
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    V.—critical notices.Max Black - 1943 - Mind 52 (207):264-275.
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    V. Philologische beiträge zu griechischen mathematikern.Max C. P. Schmidt & Th Stangl - 1886 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 45 (1):63-81.
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  12. Inhalt: Werner Gephart.Oder: Warum Daniel Witte: Recht Als Kultur, I. Allgemeine, Property its Contemporary Narratives of Legal History Gerhard Dilcher: Historische Sozialwissenschaft als Mittel zur Bewaltigung der ModerneMax Weber und Otto von Gierke im Vergleich Sam Whimster: Max Weber'S. "Roman Agrarian Society": Jurisprudence & His Search for "Universalism" Marta Bucholc: Max Weber'S. Sociology of Law in Poland: A. Case of A. Missing Perspective Dieter Engels: Max Weber Und Die Entwicklung des Parlamentarischen Minderheitsrechts I. V. Das Recht Und Die Gesellsc Civilization Philipp Stoellger: Max Weber Und Das Recht des Protestantismus Spuren des Protestantismus in Webers Rechtssoziologie I. I. I. Rezeptions- Und Wirkungsgeschichte Hubert Treiber: Zur Abhangigkeit des Rechtsbegriffs Vom Erkenntnisinteresse Uta Gerhardt: Unvermerkte Nahe Zur Rechtssoziologie Talcott Parsons' Und Max Webers Masahiro Noguchi: A. Weberian Approach to Japanese Legal Culture Without the "Sociology of Law": Takeyoshi Kawashima - 2017 - In Werner Gephart & Daniel Witte, Recht als Kultur?: Beiträge zu Max Webers Soziologie des Rechts. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klosterman.
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  13. v. Hügel, The Mystical Element of Religion.Max Wundt - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:138.
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  14. Spranger, W. v. Humboldt und die Humanitätsidee.Max Wundt - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:134.
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    5. Orpheus Argonautica v. 1072.Max Schneider - 1910 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 69 (2):318-319.
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    1. Antigone v. 569.Max Wundt - 1906 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 65 (1-4):154-156.
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    V. Konklusion.Max Rohstock - 2014 - In Der Negative Selbstbezug des Absoluten: Untersuchungen Zu Nicolaus Cusanus' Konzept des Nicht-Anderen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 190-201.
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    Max Weber on “Freedom from Value Judgments” and “Sobriety of Judgment”: From the Moral Strength of Universities to the Strength of “Personality”.Ilya V. Presnyakov - 2021 - Sociology of Power 33 (4):217-236.
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  19. v. Winterfeld, Friedrich Hebbel.Max Wundt - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:127.
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  20. Kant-Gesellschaft. V. Jahresbericht 1908.Max Wundt - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:145.
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  21. Místo člověka v kosmu.Max Scheler - 1968 - Praha,: Academia.
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    Der Sternenhimmel Und Seine Verkleinerer: Eine Streitschrift an Ed. V. Hartmann.Max Schneidewin - 1901 - De Gruyter.
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    Appendix V. Some Additions to Morris R. Cohen's Bibliography of Peirce's Published Writings.Max H. Fisch & Daniel C. Haskell - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (3):211-212.
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  24. Lesniewski, Quine y Geach: un análisis de sus demostraciones con respecto a la restricción del axioma V del sistema de Frege.Max A. Freund - 1982 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 52:177-180.
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    (2 other versions)Der Formalismus in der Ethik Und Die Materiale Wertethik.Max Scheler - 1916 - München,: Francke.
    Nachdruck des Originals von 1916. Max Scheler wurde v.a. durch sein Werk Formalismus in der der Ethik und die materielle Wertethik bekannt, was erstmals 1913 erschien und hier in einer Ausgabe von 1916 vorliegt. Die von ihm vorgestellte Wertethik ist durch ein Loslösen von der kantschen Pfichtethik gekennzeichnet.
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    Friedrich Max Müller und die idealistische Wurzel der Religionswissenschaft.Vsevolod V. Zolotukhin - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 26 (2):264-282.
    Zusammenfassung Dieser Beitrag widmet sich dem Zusammenhang zwischen dem deutschen Idealismus und Max Müllers Religionswissenschaft, die als erstes und maßgebendes religionswissenschaftliches Projekt betrachtet werden kann. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass die Entwicklung der Lehre Müllers erst durch Kants Kritizismus, Schleiermachers Gefühlsphilosophie und durch die idealistische Religionsphilosophie von F. Schelling und Chr. Weisse ermöglicht wurde. Es kann auch der Einfluss der Philosophie von J. Fries aufgespürt werden. Müllers Blick auf das religiöse Leben der Menschheit hat einen philosophischen Charakter und wird wesentlich durch (...)
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    V. Theophrast und die Yorsokratiker.Max Mühl - 1923 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 35 (1-2):62-66.
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    Other tributes to professor Montague.Virginia C. Gildersleeve, James Gutman, J. G. Brennan, Cornelia Geer Le Boutillier, Max Easterman, T. V. Smith, Laurence J. Lafleur & Houston Peterson - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (21):630-637.
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    Radiant bodies: the path of modern yoga.Max Popov - 2014 - Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
    * Hatha yoga is commonly thought to be a pure, ancient Indian spiritual discipline that transcends cultural, temporal and spatial boundaries or a spiritual discipline corrupted by Indians (for export) or Westerners (for import) to accommodate Westerners. Calling these beliefs into question, Max Popov's Radiant Bodies shows how hatha yoga was transformed from sacred practice into a health and fitness regime for middle-class Indians in India in the early and mid-20th century. Popov tells the story of this transformation through the (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Wesendonck, O. G. v., Das Weltbild der Iranier. [REVIEW]Max Semper - 1934 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 39:61.
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  31. Pirḳe ḥinukh ṿe-horaʼah: asupat maʼamarim.Moshâe Max Ahrend & Mikhlalah Ha-Aòkademit Ha-Datit le-Òhinukh °A. Sh R. A. Lifshits - 2001 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat Meʼirim, ha-Mikhlalah ha-aḳademit ha-datit le-ḥinukh ʻa. sh. R. A.M. Lifshits.
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  32. Droste, Max v., Ich und der Andere. [REVIEW]Karl Vorländer - 1929 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 34:197.
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    Erinnerungen I. Max Planck.V. F. Lenzen - 1949 - Isis 40 (1):66-67.
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    Chronik des Nietzsche-Kreises: Versuch einer Rekonstruktion.Max Werner Vogel - 2007 - München: Allitera. Edited by Beatrix Vogel.
    ”Die ehemalige Nietzsche-Gesellschaft, von der sich der heutige Nietzsche-Kreis herleitet, zu ihrer Zeit eine angesehene wissenschaftliche Vereinigung, wurde, wenn man den alten Mitgliedern glaubt, immer noch einmal gegründet. Ihr Schicksal spiegelt paradigmatisch die Irritationen der Nietzsche-Rezeption bei den Deutschen seit Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges.“ Die ”Chronik des Nietzsche-Kreises“, 1994 bereits einmal erschienen, liegt nun in aktualisierter Form vor, erweitert um den Blick auf die Jahre 1994-2006 und die aktualisierte Chronik der Vorträge der Nietzsche-Gesellschaft bzw. des Nietzsche-Kreises und des Nietzsche-Forums München (...)
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  35. The world of labor and technology in the phenomenological anthropology of Scheler, Max.V. Danna - 1984 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 4 (1):1-26.
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  36. Marx and Lenin: The Science of Revolution. By T. V. Smith. [REVIEW]Max Eastman - 1927 - International Journal of Ethics 38:480.
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    A Scrap of Paper: Breaking and Making International Law During the Great War. By Isabel V. Hull.Max Pensky - 2017 - Constellations 24 (1):135-137.
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  38. Weber, Max. Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Soziologie und Sozialpolitik.Bruno V. Oppen - 1928 - Kant Studien 33:312.
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    God and globalization.Max L. Stackhouse, Peter J. Paris, Don S. Browning & Diane Burdette Obenchain (eds.) - 2000 - Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International.
    v. 1. Religion and the powers of the common life -- v. 2. The spirit and the modern authorities -- v. 3. Christ and the dominions of civilization -- v. 4. Globalization and grace.
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    Inhaltsverzeichnis.Max Herzog - 1994 - In Weltentwürfe: Ludwig Binswangers Phänomenologische Psychologie. De Gruyter. pp. 224-224.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 48 Heft: 1 Seiten: V-VIII.
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    Max Weber and the New Critical Theory of Hartmut Rosa: Updating the Classics.D. V. Kataev - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (4):146-166.
    The article discusses a key issue for Russian and international Max Weber Studies: the epistemological possibilities and place of Weberian sociology in modern social theory. Discussion articles by well-known Russian scientists — who sharply criticized the actualizing direction of Weberian studies in general, and the religious, cultural, and sociological orientation in particular — are contrasted with the re-actualization and rethinking of key Weberian themes in the “New Critical Theory” of the influential German sociologist Hartmut Rosa. Such a projection will make (...)
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    New Enterprises. Hightech and Its Alternatives in West-Berlin.Max Stadler - 2022 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 30 (4):599-632.
    Launched in 1982, the so-calledBerliner Wissenschaftsladen e. V.(WILAB) belonged to the scattered West-German ventures in “counter-science”. This article situates the origins of the “Laden” (~ workshop)—an “alternative” spin-off of sorts, spawned from the Technical University of Berlin—in the context of contemporary advances in regional science policy. In this connection, the ailing, de-industrializing “island city” arguably even played a certain pioneering role: elements of its multipronged “innovation offensive”, which peaked in the early-to-mid 1980s, were visible beyond city limits, including the trade (...)
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    Max Weber‘s Ideological Legacy: A Retrospective View 100 Years Later. Book Review: Lichtblau K. (2020) Zur Aktualität von Max Weber. Einführung in sein Werk, Wiesbaden: Springer VS. [REVIEW]V. L. Bliznekov - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (4):230-235.
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    V. Philologische beiträge zu griechischen mathematikern.G. F. Unger & Max C. P. Schmidt - 1884 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 42 (1):82-118.
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    Reflex Fuzzy Min Max Neural Network for Semi-supervised Learning.A. V. Nandedkar & P.Κ Biswas - 2008 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (1-3):5-18.
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    Max Weber’s Analysis of Plebiscitary Leadership and the Debate on Multiple Modernities.M. V. Maslovskiy - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (4):107-122.
    The article considers Max Weber’s model of plebiscitary leadership and historical examples of plebiscitary democracy. It is argued that there is no clear distinction between plebiscitary democracy and dictatorship inWeber’s writings. As Stefan Breuer demonstrates, such a distinction allows us to broaden the application of Weberian concepts. Plebiscitary elements can be seen in the political life of non-Western states, which have been discussed from the multiple modernities perspective. However, while that perspective develops the Weberian sociological tradition, its representatives mostly do (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Amy Gratch, Douglas W. Doyle, Max A. Eckstein, Quirico S. Samonte, Miguel de Los Santos, V. Jane Millar, Tina Mcree, Norma Jackson, Peter Jackson & Dg Mulcahy - 1999 - Educational Studies 30 (1):19-69.
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    Julia Robinson. On the decision problem for algebraic rings. Studies in mathematical analysis and related topics, Essays in honor of George Pólya, edited by Gabor Szegö, Charles Loewner, Stefan Bergman, Menahem Max Schiffer, Jerzy Neyman, David Gilbarg, and Herbert Solomon, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962, pp. 297–304. [REVIEW]V. H. Dyson - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (3):475-476.
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    Max Weber’s “Value Polytheism”: Contexts, Origin, Logical-methodological Foundations.I. V. Presnyakov - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (4):68-106.
    Weber’s concept of “vocation” in science implies “anti-monumentalism”: research can always be continued, and the results obtained can be used in various ways. The scientist cannot be completely aware of the final impact of their work, so they are faced with a paradox of consequences. This paradox is based on value polytheism, a concept put forward by Weber. There are two ideas central to polytheism: first, one must recognize the internal logic of value spheres and, second, one must consider their (...)
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    Freytag Bruno V. gen. Löringhoff. Gedanken zur Philosophie der Mathematik. Westkulturverlag Anton Hain, Meisenheim am Glan 1948, 53 pp. [REVIEW]Max Black - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (3):204-204.
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